Passive Play vs Active Play Toys in the Early Years

Passive play vs Active play with toys in the early years, what’s the difference? When children are playing they want to be engaged, developing different skills, sparking their imagination. Children are naturally curious they like to explore, experiment the world around them. Have you ever thought of the type of toys you have contribute to the…

Play, Play, Play let our children play!

Amazing with all the research in the world a majority of the school systems still have an emphasis on academic learning and not experimental learning which is learning by play, experiences and just fun.

Dirt is good, less screen time, more play time

Dirt is good, less screen time, more play time is quite a powerful message, with a new  marketing campaign from OMO Arabia. OMO are making a bold statement below with United Nations article 31. “Most parents are breaking this child’s right every day. #rightoplay ”  As parents we need to reintroduce play especially to offset the…

‘Learn by Play’ Benefits of Educational based toys…

“Learn by play” has become a cliché, but it’s also become one of the most controversial subjects around the world among educational researchers and academics. Have you ever stopped to watch how children interact/engage with their toys? Which toys do they enjoy playing with most. Which ones last the longest? Which ones are always recycled…

Teaching a Child to Love Learning

Why does it sound funny to say “teach a child to love learning”? These days, parents with school age children are so competitive: after-school activities starting from a young age, reading book levels always being spoken about and compared, who is the best or doing the most. I wonder if this is really helping our…

Success in Our Education System is more than just Academic Learning!

‘Education systems can help people lead happier, more fulfilling lives by teaching them to be aware of their thoughts,  emotions and behaviors’ say Sir Anthony Seldon. This quote I came across when researching educating students for  life.  Many countries education do extremely well with academic learning, standardized tests and exams especially throughout Asia with curriculum…

Technology Founder’s Children Restricted With Technology

There has been lots of debate online about technology, our children and Steve Jobs, the late, great tech guru and founder of Apple. Specifically, he did not allow his kids to use iPads at a young age.      We all ask what is the reason? Why did the founder of Apple feel it necessary to…

Understanding STEM in Early Years!

The big buzz in schools curriculum is the acronym STEM. Lets look at breaking it down, finding out what it really means in the early years. Academically speaking STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. It is a focus on these areas simultaneously. Not only because the skills and knowledge in each discipline are…

Teaching our children the art of being persistent

There are many thing I wish for my child to learn, playing sport, ride a bike, be good to your friends, how to be a team player and have wonderful manners. However one of the most important one is the art of being persistent. Never giving up as we say, try, try, try again. When…

Characteristics of Effective Learning in Early Years!

Characteristics of Effective Learning (CoEL) are a revived element in the current Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS). CoEL advocate that in planning and guiding children’s activities, practitioners must reflect on the different ways that children learn, and then reflect these in their practice. A child’s individual learning characteristic will determine the way they respond…

Channel the Energy of your Highly Spirited Child…

Has your child ever been described as highly spirited or over energetic. Along with overly enthusiastic, too energetic, ants in his pants and so on. Well I can certainly say mine has. My son is what you would describe as a over enthusiastic boy with endless amounts of energy to burn each day. Or simply…

Foundations of Mathematics in the Early Years!

In the early years learning to count  and sort is one of your most important skills. Children can do this in everyday activities, by helping parents/gaurdians with house work, shopping, by sorting the fruit from the vegetables, sorting the dark colours of clothes to light. One of my sons favourite activities is to sort the…

Teaching Children to Fall Safely in Early Years!

I remember saying to another parent at the playground when I first landed in my expat posting in Asia that we have tried to teach our child how to fall. To me it was just another milestone, learning how to fall safely then get back up again. The look on her face said it all,…

Understanding the World through Gardening in Early Years

Have you ever planted a tree with your child or tried to explain where fruit and vegetables come from. Most children believe it comes from a market, supermarket shelf or delivered to your door. Is that really where it comes from? Lets look at getting hands on and growing a plant to help them learn…

Early Years Mathematics at home

There are many ways to teach mathematical concepts in early years from showing shapes, counting numbers especially at home. Everyday we all use different numbers, patterns everyday from telephone numbers, house/apartment numbers, time and many more. Once the child can recognise a number it is important to relate it back to their experience. For e.g….

Teach a Child to Understand the World in Early Years

What an important life skill it is to understand the world in the early years. In the British curriculum this is a key area for EYFS defined as follows: Understanding the world involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places,…

Fine Motor Skills in Early Years

In the early years fine motor skills involve a refined use of the small muscles controlling the hand, fingers, and thumb. The development of these skills allows one to be able to complete tasks such as writing, drawing, and buttoning in there later years. Which are important to start developing in the early years. During…